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Eve Taylor Aromatherapy Facial

EXRESSS EVE TAYLOR FACIAL - £30.00 (30 mins)

My express facial, for those on the go. includes, crystal flash exfoliation double cleanse, a pore refining mask followed by a energising serum and moisturise. Gives great results leaving your skin refreshed in express time. This also includes a deeply relaxing neck and shoulder massage .



My anti-aging rejuvenating facial is designed to repair and restore fatigued, sun damaged, or mature skin. Our rejuvenating facial diminishes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improves texture, and achieves an overall healthy, soft, youthful glow. Your facial will begin  with crystal flash, double cleanse , tone and a luxuriously rejuvenation mask that penetrates the deep layers of the skin to deliver the immediate and long term benefits of hydration brightening and protection for a soft, more youthful looking skin. This treatment will include relaxing foot massage .

LUXURY EVE TAYLOR FACIAL - £50.00 (1 hour)

Designed to dramatically and visibly improve the texture and appearance of the skin .The vacuum action

of this treatment also give a rejuvenation lift while stimulating new collagen and elastin production deep with in the skin includes a de-puffing and illuminating eye serum and hydrating mask along with a deserved neck and shoulder massage. Your facial will begin with a double cleanse, followed by crystal flash, luxury  crystal clear mask, wipe away the years eye treatment and ending with a wonderful scalp neck and shoulder massage .

TEEN EVE TAYLOR FACIAL - £30.00 (30 min)

Lots of adolescents have skin problems due to hormone imbalance diet and lifestyle this can affect their confidence and is upsetting for them. It is very important for teenagers to understand the skin so that they can achieve the results they desire. Having regular facials and keeping up home care will help dramatically.

A treatment plan will be put in place at there first free consultation, parents welcome to attend.


A course of facials tailored to your needs.

I recommend starting 6 months before your wedding day to ensure your skin will be the best it can be on your big day, beautiful, fresh, vibrant.

Price to be discussed upon a consultation.

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